Agricultural Products


Wheeler’s treating plant in The Black Hills of South Dakota manufactures and treats a wide range of wood products harvested throughout the Intermountain Region.

All our agricultural products are either Ponderosa Pine or Lodgepole Pine unless otherwise noted.

All are treated to AWPA specifications and are of the highest quality available. Below are the common sizes that we stock.

Fence Posts: 3″ to 8″ x 6′ 6″, 7′, 8′
Barn Poles: 4″ to 8″ x 10′, 12′, 14′
6″ and 7″ x 16′ through 30′
Lumber: 2″ x 6″, 2″ x 8″, 2″ x 10″, 2″ x 12″ – 16′ Rgh, S4S
2″ x 6″ – 16′, 18′, 20′ Tongue and Groove, Douglas Fir
Rails: 2 1/2″ or 3″ – 16′ Barkies
3″ and 4″ – 16′ Peeled


Pointing, chamfering, dowel rail, special fab,
are all available.

Call for pricing and availability.

(800) 843-8304

Dave Koch

Eddie Opstedahl