Salt Storage Buildings


Built Better To Last Longer

Featured by Public Works Magazine

Working with States, Counties and Townships across the country, Wheeler has been designing and supplying salt/sand storage buildings for over 40 years.

Wheeler buildings are not just covers, but containers.  The sturdy treated timber construction allows the walls to be loaded up to 14′ high*, maximizing the space within the building.

* Wall designs vary based on roof system.  Material may be mounded toward the middle when roof clearance allows.  Estimated building capacity will be reviewed specific to the application.

Wall heights and roof truss designs can be adjusted to provide over 30′ of clearance.  Doors can be added for security and additional material shelter.

  • Pre-engineered plans included.
  • Available with partitions, Wheeler buildings can store multiple mixes of both salt and salt/sand.
  • Filled and emptied with standard loader.  No conveyor required.
  • Install yourself or hire a local contractor.
  • Future additions are simple and inexpensive.
  • Covered or enclosed equipment and cold storage easily added.
  • Ask about accessories. Siding, skylights…

Floor plans from the smallest to the largest are detailed for economy and function.

Just determine the quantities to be stored and Wheeler’s design staff will recommend the building best suited for your site.


All building materials must be protected from the damaging effects of road salt.  Steel and concrete require surface protection including coatings and waterproofing.  These coatings must be maintained for the life of the structure.  For salt storage buildings this often means scheduled maintenance requiring evacuation of stored materials.  Repetitive maintenance can be avoided if the building materials have built-in water proof defense.

Since the 1960’s, all Wheeler salt/sand storage buildings have incorporated timber treated with an oil-borne preservative.  The treating process impregnates waterproofing oil into the timber.  This allows the timber to fight the harsh effects of salt by preventing salt brine from entering the wood fibers, resulting in facilities still in service after 40 years.

Uncoated concrete or wood treated with water-borne preservatives (CCA, ACQ) do not prevent salt brine penetration and are subject to serious degradation from repeated wetting. Many structures have failed in as little as 10 years.

Currently, Wheeler buildings are supplied with the oil-borne preservative Copper Naphthenate.

The proven durability of properly treated timber remains the first choice in maintenance-free salt/sand storage.